Application stop for our halls of residence
The allocation of rooms for the winter semester 2022/23 in our halls of residence has been almost completed. Only at Geislingen and Albstadt are a few places still available.
Unfortunately, we can no longer accept new applications for the following locations:
- Tübingen
- Hohenheim
- Reutlingen
- Nürtingen
- Sigmaringen
- Rottenburg
There are already long waiting lists for all halls of residence. For those who are still looking for an affordable roof over their heads, here are a few tips and alternatives that might be worthwhile:
Private room accomodation
Private landlords can post offers for students on the free private room accomodation.
Halls of residence by other organisations
In Tübingen, other providers, e.g. the churches or private providers, run other halls of residence. Other room exchanges or newspaper advertisements can also help you find a suitable roof over your head. A list can be found here on our website.
Increase your search radius
We also advise you not to only search directly in the university town. With the respective Studi-Ticket and the Anschluss-Studiticket, it is possible to commute inexpensively between your place of study and your flat. Rental prices and offers are usually more attractive outside the university towns and the competition is not as high.
Short-term alternatives
If time is running out and you still don’t have a flat in sight, there are also some cheap accommodation options, such as youth hostels, that can tide you over for a few days.