Dipl.-Psych. Stefanie Eggert
Psychotherapeutic counsellar
Psychotherapeutic counselling, Advice, Social services, Head Office, Tübingen
- Psychotherapeutic counsellar
- +49 (0)7071 / 253960 (secretariat)
- Appointments for an initial consultation can be made by telephone or in person during the opening hours of the secretariat or online.
Visitor address
Friedrichstraße 21
72072 TübingenOffice hours visitorsOpening hours secretariat
Mon 08:45 - 14:00 Uhr
Tue-Thu 08:45-12:30 Uhr -
Postal address
Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim
Psychotherapeutische Beratungsstelle (PBS)
Friedrichstraße 21
72072 Tübingen