Advertising opportunities
Find out what you have to do here if you would like to distribute any advertising materials in the Studierendenwerk’s refectories. We have summarised the most important information here on advertising opportunities.
Find out what you have to do here if you would like to distribute any advertising materials in the Studierendenwerk’s refectories. We have summarised the most important information here on advertising opportunities.
Refectory Morgenstelle
Dining hall – Deutsche Hochschulwerbung
Foyer – Campus Service GmbH
Foyer – Edgar Ambient Media Group
Foyer – InfoMax GmbH
Cafeteria Morgenstelle
InfoMax GmbH
Cafeteria Clubhaus
Campus Service GmbH
Cafeteria Unibibliothek
InfoMax GmbH
Refectory – Deutsche Hochschulwerbung
Cafeteria – Deutsche Hochschulwerbung
Refecory Albstadt
Campus Service GmbH
Refectory Reutlingen
you&me MEDIA
Refectory Nürtingen
InfoMax GmbH