FAQ Kita
We have summarised the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our daycare centres for you below.
We have summarised the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our daycare centres for you below.
In Tübingen, the fee is based on the city’s scale of fees. In addition, a flat-rate fee for meals of 80 euros per month is payable.
In Hohenheim, the costs for students in the daycare centre at Egilolfstraße 37 amount to 198 euros per month, the flat rate for meals is already included in the fees.
Daycare facilities
We run two day care centres for students in Tübingen and Hohenheim.
Closing days
Closing days vary depending on the location:
The closing days of all locations are based on the semester breaks of the respective university locations and the school holidays. The closing time in summer is usually 15 days, the remaining days are distributed over Christmas/New Year, Easter, partly Whitsun and individual bridge days.
The children receive breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack in the daycare centres. Breakfast and snacks are prepared by the children themselves, lunch is provided by an external caterer. A balanced diet (for example, wholesome bread, lots of fruit and vegetables) is emphasised in the meal planning.
Study place
Requirements for a place in one of our day care centres:
At least one parent must be enrolled at a university belonging to the Studierendenwerk.
A prerequisite for a place in one of our daycare centres is that at least one parent is resident at the respective daycare centre location (applies to Tübingen and Hohenheim).
In Tübingen, we offer a total of 125 flats for young families and single parents with children. Special accommodation is also available at our other university locations.
BAföG regulations
There are various BAföG grants and special regulations for pregnant women and students with children. In addition to the allowances for each child, an allowance is granted on the income during studies. Further information is also available at our BAföG InfoPoints .
Mensa for Kids
All children of students between the ages of 0 and 10 receive a free meal in the refectory on request on a children’s plate. Simply apply for the Mensa children’s card at the InfoPoints in Tübingen or Hohenheim. At the other locations, the employees at the cafeterias will be happy to help.
If it seems difficult to reconcile studying and having a child or if you have study-related or personal problems, you can find professional support in our psychological counselling centres.