Apply for a room in hall of residence
Halls of residence are very popular with students because of the low rents, the pleasant student atmosphere and the opportunity of making contact with other people quickly. We therefore recommend that you apply for a room in a hall of residence early if you are interested. You can only apply online.
The most frequent FAQs on the topic of housing
Who can apply?
Anyone who studies at a university supervised by the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim and is interested in a place in a dorm at his university location.
How can I apply?
You can only submit your appication online. Multiple applications do not increase your chances of receiving an offer.
Does my application mean I will definitely receive a room in a hall of residence?
Your application indicates your interest in renting a room, a flatlet or a flat. This does not give you any rights to accommodation or a particular room/flatlet/flat. The number of free rooms in the halls of residence will determine whether we can consider your application or not.
Based on experience, the demand in the summer semester is not as great as in the winter semester. There is therefore a better chance of obtaining a room or a flat for the summer semester.
When can I move in?
You cannot move in until midday on the first day of your rental agreement and only on weekdays when the caretakers are working. If your agreement starts on a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday, you cannot move in until the next working day. You will find more details in your written offer.
By the way: if you do not move in on the first day of the month, but a few days later, you will save yourself and the caretaker stress caused by certain dates.
How long can I stay in a hall of residence?
The normal time in halls of residence run by the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim for first semester students is 6 semesters, although any previous time spent in a hall is included if you move back into a hall of residence run by the Studierendenwerk again.
Exchange, master’s degree and Erasmus students are exempted from this rule. The time spent, which might be less than 6 semesters, is governed by the relevant agreement at the university site.
When and how can I terminate my rental agreement?
Generally, the rental contract is restricted to the term specified in the agreement and ends when this expires without any need for you to terminate it. The rental contract may, however, be terminated early with a period of notice of 2 months to the end of any semester.
Any notice of termination (termination form) must be made in writing, i.e. with a legally binding signature. The time when the Studierendenwerk receives the notice of termination determines whether the deadline has been met or not.
What do I need to do after a notice of termination?
Agree a date with your caretaker about 14 days before you wish to move out. Clear your room or your flat in line with the general rental conditions by the agreed moving out date so that the caretaker can complete the inspection of your room or flat and you can hand over the keys.
Important: the tenant must be present in person for this. In exceptional cases, a third party may hand over the keys by means of a power of attorney.
Forms & downloads
News housing
Appeal to Private Landlords: Housing for Students Needed!
The Studierendenwerk calls on private landlords to rent out housing to students.
at 8 locations*
in our halls of residence*
for a room each year*
in the housing team*