More information
on the topic of housing
Here you will find important information about living in one of our halls of residence. Whether it’s FAQ’s or information about the services offered by our tutors in the halls of residence, a download of important forms or information about barrier-free living, our range of accommodation for student families and couples, information about halls of residence run by other providers and the private accommodation service.
You can find many answers to your questions about the application process and about living in one of our halls of residence here.
You can find your contact person (also for international students) here as well as further information for our hall of residence administration in Tübingen and in Hohenheim.
Our tutors will help you to settle in quickly and make contacts in your hall of residence.
You can find important forms about living in your hall of residence here.
We also offer suitable living space for students with special needs.
Our flats are primarily available to student families.
We offer a private room service at various locations.
If you didn’t get a room offer from us – here you can find an overview of halls of residence run by other providers in Tübingen.