
M. Sc. Psych.Antonia Cubek

Psychotherapeutic counselling
Psychotherapeutic counselling, Advice, Social services, Hohenheim, Tübingen
  • Responsibilities

    • psychotherapeutic counsellor Hohenheim and Tübingen
  • Phone

  • +49 (0)7071 / 253960 (secretariat)
  • Appointments for an initial consultation can be made by telephone or in person during the opening hours of the secretariat or online.
  • Visitor address

    Kirchnerstraße 5
    70599 Stuttgart-Hohenheim
    Office hours visitors
    Opening hours secretariat
    Mon 08:45 - 14:00 Uhr
    Tue-Thu 08:45-12:30 Uhr
  • Postal address

    Studierenden­werk Tübingen-Hohenheim
    Psychotherapeutische Beratungsstelle (PBS)
    Friedrichstraße 21
    72072 Tübingen