The Studierendenwerk calls on private landlords to rent out housing to students.
From October 2024, the warm rent for new tenants of the Studierendenwerk will increase by an average of approx. 5 % per month.
Over the past 11 months, the Studierendenwerk has extensively renovated the student hall of residence at Schwerzstr. 2 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim. Since 1 April, the building can finally be rented out to students again.
During the semester break, many Studierendenwerk facilities are closed or have changed opening hours.
Affordable living and studying close to campus. This is made possible by 107 new dormitory places at Reutlingen University.
To support first-year students in the current crisis, the Studierendenwerk, with the support of IKEA Sindelfingen, has put together 50 starter sets for life in a hall of residence.
The Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim has reacted with great dismay to the knife attack in the Schelmenwasen hall of residence.
In order to motivate dormitory residents to save energy, the Studierendenwerk is launching an advertising campaign.
The allocation of rooms for the winter semester 2022/23 in our halls of residence has been almost completed.
Das Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim baut ein neues Wohnheim für 107 Studierende auf dem Campusgelände der Hochschule Reutlingen.
Noch in dieser Woche sollen die Bauarbeiten beginnen.
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Friedrichstraße 21
72072 Tübingen