Good news for all students with a Deutschlandticket JugendBW: The naldo transport association has announced that the solidarity contribution for the summer semester 2024 can now be credited after all. If you have already purchased such a ticket from the Neckar-Alb-Donau transport association for the summer semester, the overpaid amount will be automatically transferred back to the bank account deposited in the Studi-Web-Shop in mid-May. You don’t have to do anything else.
No special “Deutschlandticket for students” will be offered as of May 1st 2023, for which the solidarity contribution will be credited. However, it is possible to switch from existing subscriptions JugendticketBW or Semesterticket or StudiTicket.
Change to the Deutschlandticket in naldo
Those students who purchased a naldo-JugendticketBW for students or naldo-Semesterticket in March or April 2023 and would like to switch to the Deutschlandticket on 1 May will receive a proportional refund. To do this, since 3 April 2023, please visit
where personal data, bank details and the tickets purchased can be uploaded. After the refund application has been checked, the refund will be made within 4-6 weeks.
A refund of JugendticketBWs for students or naldo semester tickets purchased after May 2023 is not possible. Refund applications must be received by naldo by 31 May 2023 at the latest.
Special regulation Tübingen
The Deutschlandticket is offered to citizens of Tübingen with a € 10.00 reduction. As proof of residence, the identity card or a certificate of registration must be uploaded in the naldo online portal when applying.
Change to the Deutschlandticket in the VVS
Interested students can also join the Deutschland-Ticket subscription for 49 euros per month from 1 May 2023. Those who already have a StudiTicket, a JugendticketBW or a Anschluss-StudiTicket will have to be patient until the crediting process has been clarified. If a JugendticketBW for students has previously been purchased for six months, this will be credited against the price of the Deutschland-Ticket on a pro rata monthly basis and subsequently reimbursed by the VVS on application. A similar procedure is also offered for holders of (follow-up) StudiTickets. For each “overlapping month”, i.e. for the months for which a (connecting) StudiTicket and a Deutschland-Ticket are available, the VVS will reimburse one sixth of the (connecting) StudiTicket on application after expiry of the (connecting) StudiTicket against proof of use of the Deutschland-Ticket (in the case of the StudiTicket, taking into account the solidarity contribution). When purchasing the Deutschlandticket, the semester contribution already paid in the amount of € 8.00 per month will be reimbursed. The exact procedure has not yet been finalised.
Change to the Deutschlandticket in the DING
It is also possible to change from the JugendticketBW to the Deutschlandticket on 1 May 2023. Please contact the issuing office where you purchased your JugendticketBW.
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Friedrichstraße 21
72072 Tübingen