On Wednesday, 14 December, it’s that time again: All guests of the Shedhalle, Morgenstelle, Prinz Karl and Reutlingen refectories can look forward to our traditional Christmas lunch.
Here is an overview of the Christmas menu:
Mensa Shedhalle:
Game stew with cranberry pears and wild mushrooms, almond balls, broccoli florets, Father Christmas.
Students € 4.90 Guest / Staff € 8.60
Vegetarian alternative: Homemade pumpkin lasagne with goat’s cheese, caramelised walnuts, autumn salad, Father Christmas
Students €4.90 Guest / Staff € 8.60
Mensa Morgenstelle:
Venison stew with mushrooms and cranberries, red cabbage, bread dumplings
Students € 4.90 Guest / Staff € 8.60
Vegetarian alternative: Homemade pumpkin lasagne with goat’s cheese and walnuts
Students € 3.25 Guest / Staff € 6.90
Vegan alternative: Homemade pumpkin lasagne with smoked tofu and seeds
Students € 3.25 Guest / Staff € 6.90
Mensa Prinz Karl:
Venison stew with mushrooms and cranberries, red cabbage, bread dumplings or knöpfle, dessert
Students € 4.90 Guest / Staff € 8.60
Vegan alternative: soy stew with wild mushrooms, red cabbage, potato dumplings, dessert
Students € 4.00 Guest / Staff € 8.30
Mensa Reutlingen:
Venison stew with mushrooms, cranberries, red cabbage, dumplings, dessert
Students € 5.00 Guest / Staff € 8.70
Vegan alternative: homemade pumpkin lasagne with smoked tofu, dessert
Students € 3.25 Guest / Staff € 6.90
The Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim wishes you a good appetite and a reflective pre-Christmas season!